Friday Faves #2

Friday, August 30, 2013

Here are a few of my current obsessions:  

1. We had our first family photo session with Kayleigh McCollum, and I am in love with the photos! I would definitely recommend her! Here's one of my favorites: 

2. My girlfriend suggested these easy-to-clean bibs for Luna and they are fabulous! Especially now that she's eating solids! Its astonishing how much green bean stains resemble baby poo! 

3. The Ikea 2014 Catalog has arrived! I always have mixed emotions about Ikea furniture, but I enjoy mixing in some of their inexpensive pieces with my current furniture.  Speaking of Ikea check this out! Isn't it an amazing hack! People are so creative! 

4. This T-fal electric steamer is awesome! I do not have anything to compare it with because I've never used a stove-top/electric steamer.  But, this works great for making baby food and healthy dinners.  

5.  I am obsessed with finding comfy and stylish stay at home mom clothes (maybe I'll design them myself--just a thought). This beautiful maxi dress with pockets would be great for feeling pretty and moseying around the house. 

6. I am going to learn French! I told my husband that once Luna and I both know French, he has to take us to France (keep in mind she's only 7 months old so I have plenty of time).  In order to actually follow through with it, I am thinking of signing up for French school

7. Lastly, here are a few of my current favorite apps.  Paper 53 which is a creative app for sketching, drawing, journaling, etc.  Second, is Wunderlist. I love lists so this app is right up my alley.  Also, if you want to do a little more than lists, I would highly recommend Evernote. I use Evernote for my recipes, party planning, taking photos of documents, etc. 

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! 

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