Tuesday Tip: Monthly Goals

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Happy September! 

Today's tip is a reminder to jot down your monthly goals. I don't know about you, but I tend to get distracted if I don't revisit my goals on a regular basis. 
Every month I create a list of my monthly goals, and move the goals I did not accomplish last month. 

Creating monthly goals help create good habits. I find it best to list small attainable goals instead of big lofty goals. In the past, My list always included to lose a specific amount of weight in the month. I got over that craziness! Now, I focus on goals which keep me active! 

My September Goals: 

•Run outdoors (with MRTT)
•Wake up early on non-gym days
•Get chores done on weekdays
•Go to Lake Tahoe before summer ends

•Calm app for meditation/mindfulness 

What are you goals for the month of September? Do you have any tips you'd love to share with everyone, let me know. 

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