What are your favorite Instagram accounts? Here are 6 worth checking out...
Janssen Bradshaw aka everydayreading is like being best friend's with the friendly librarian. I just love her! I always check her feed when I am putting books on hold for Luna.
Heather aka FarmTots makes me want to get outside everyday and explore all the beautiful farms I can find, and to top things off she has a beautiful family and esthetic. I have a major mom crush on her!
Dorothy Beal aka Mileposts is another one of my mom crushes! She is a runner, a mom, and a nice person. Win-Win. She makes me want to run like crazy.
Joythebaker serves some major yumminess, and now she also runs Drakeoncake which is brilliant and hilarious.
Diana Mireles aka Dianakmir is inspiring without trying, and the fact that she chose running is even better in my book. If you are second-guessing going out for a run, check her out.
Elexia aka Casa Artelexia runs a beautiful feed featuring her store, and she is a beautiful person. If you live in the San Diego area you have to drop by her store. She also runs eat.drink.cook.mexico for culinary and craft tours.
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