Motherhood: Sustaining Joy

Monday, March 28, 2016

As we all know, being a mom can have its ups and downs, and some days its a struggle to remember who we were before motherhood.  The key to maintaining joy as a parent has nothing to do with our children, and more to do with ourselves. I know this sounds cliché, but it's the truth.  

Here are some things I do to maintain my joy outside of being a mom (and wife):

Get a hobby

A hobby is an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation so it can be anything that brings you joy. My hobbies include running, blogging, wine & champagne tasting and listening to podcasts.

Ask for Help

As a stay-at-home mom, I used to think I did not deserve to get time off, but I soon realized this was not healthy.  I now know my when my breaking point is looming, and I will let my husband know I need help.  

Get Healthy

I make an effort to eat nutritious food and exercise daily.  On the days when I've skipped on the gym or my morning run, I try not to give myself a hard time.  I move onto my next goal which is to accomplish my 10,000 daily steps. 

Plan Me Time

I plan my me time because otherwise weekends come and go, and next thing you know I am feeling a little crazy.  Planning ahead lessens my mom guilt. Plus, it helps my husband know ahead of time, and he can plan to do something fun with Luna. 

I would love to hear what you do to sustain your joy.    

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