Motherhood: Adaptability

Monday, May 16, 2016

There are so many facets to being a mother.  One thing is certain motherhood forces you to adapt. 

Since becoming a mom I constantly surprise myself with the depths of my strength, and how quickly I adapt.  There are so many things I did not fathom.  Who knew I could push out an almost 10 pound beautiful baby.  Who knew I could thrive without my family living nearby.  Who knew I could summon the patience of a Buddhist monk or who knew I would become this domestic goddess. 

In motherhood, the surprises keep coming and adaptability is key.  With every milestone they overcome, we surprise ourselves that we overcame them as well.  I think being a parent is synonymous with being adaptable.  

No matter what season of motherhood you are in, the quicker we learn to adapt the easier it gets.   

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