Lendy Lately

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

I realize December may not be the best time to start eating healthy, but there is no time better than the present and the bathroom scale said so. Did you know it is much more likely to accomplish your New Year's Resolutions when you begin in December? Yup, just thought I'd throw that out there. Aside from eating lean and green meals, here is what I've been up to lately...

We took a two week hiatus to visit my parents in Southern California, a much-needed date night and our first visit to Disneyland.  

During our visit, my grandfather passed away at 100 years old. He was officially a centenarian. This photo is from his last birthday--do you see the magic in his eyes--can you imagine all the things he's seen?
I have been listening to the Bold New Mom podcast A LOT. The host Jody makes me feel hopeful and understood. I scheduled a mini coaching session with her and I cannot wait. 

We are sticking to the four gift rule for Luna, and this is what she wants. What gifts would you choose? Here are mine: wantneed, wear, read.  

I am in a bit of a book slump so I have been reading The Atlantic which I love.  This article about The Best Music for Productivity and My President Was Black are both good reads. 

Have a great Hump Day! 

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