Friday Favorites

Friday, April 13, 2018

What are you up to this weekend? We are hosting some friends over for dinner tomorrow and Sunday we will be partying hard with 5 year olds.  I still have no idea what I am going to make for dinner, but I like to stick to a few of my specialities. What do you like to make for dinner for friends? My golden rule is I'll cook you bring the drinks and dessert.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend, here are this week's favorites...

Favorite Quote: There are seasons for hustle and seasons for slow. Both are equally important. I have been pondering on my hustle, and I decided to give myself permission to have a slow season.  Yup, just like that.  If you need a permission slip write one up for yourself. 
Favorite Podcast: Forever 35. These ladies will make you laugh and they have the ability to make any woman listening feel like a face mask will soothe our bad days. 
Favorite Outfit: Wrap Blouse-via Asos. Point me in the direction of all the wrap blouses.  I have been wearing wrap blouses on the regular.  They are comfortable and feminine which is right up my ally.  This one and this one are pretty too.  
Favorite Fun: Disco Balls-via Design Sponge. If you want to add some pizazz to your kitchen dancing and blow your kids minds--invest in a disco ball.  I found ours at the 99 cent store.  I paid $3.99 so if you have one near you go get one!  Here's a similar one.  
Favorite Beauty: Elf Lip Tint in Perfect Pink. I got this after I heard Lauren share about it and its perfect to carry with you at all times.  It reacts with the chemistry of your lips for a personalized shade of pink.  
Favorite Food: Cream Cheese Pancakes-via I Breath I'm Hungry.  These are keto and gluten free so basically they are free.  Ha! Go ahead and make yourself another permission slip to enjoy these! 
Favorite Music: Corazon by Maluma...mainly because hearing Luna sing the Spanish and Portuguese is everything.